Sunday, February 24, 2008

Oh the pool...

This weekends work at the pool was quite rough. It all started the evening of Friday the 22. I was sitting in the lifeguard chair at one of the pools. I then noticed the noise level started to rise. I was beginning to hear a game of Marco Polo start in a group of girls. Before I knew it, the whole pool joined in. It was SO noisy. I could not handle myself. Finally I couldn't take it and blew my whistle a very loud tweet. Everything went really quiet. Then they continued on but more quietly. Then it came time for closing. So we closed the pools and said it was time to go home. I unfortunately had a brat in my area who didn't want to go. I have had previous problems with this kid. He didn't want to leave and was sassing. I told him that security was a radio call away and he would be more than happy to handcuff you and walk you out of the facility. The kid kept going on but then before you know it, Security stepped into the pool area. I showed the kid that security was watching. He said some stuff but I don't remember. As I was standing there, another swim kid swam near my chair. He looked up at me in a very nervous tone, "does that guy really carry handcuffs?" I feel so bad I probably scared this kid. Oh well. This all went down in a friday night. The next day was saturday. I couldn't believe how crowded it was. THere were so many people. Me and my fellow lifeguards actually had to be serious. I was so exhausted. After work when my friend and I were leaving, There were these Poly's bringing in stacks of pizza, a cake, and water bottles. It looked so yummy I wanted badly to join them. But yeah, that is this weeks addition of "oh the pool..."


Nedge said...

How do you get a poly to move fast?

Hit a small one.

japetersen said...

Happy Birthday, Natalie!
Hope 18 is a good age for you -- you are an adult now, you know!
Love you!
Auntie Judy

Bing Math said...

What's a "very loud tweet" sound like?