Monday, April 7, 2008

Oh the Joys of Walmart

So Saturday night after work, me and some friends went to walmart. It was like 10:30 at night. We were in search of Hawaiian Lays. Suprisingly, Walmart did not have lays. I was in shock. But we kept browsing around. We were on the party row and decided to sit down. As we were sitting there, my friend decieded to lay down. Me and my other friend wanted to see peoples reactions of her laying there on a random row. So we went to hide so we could see the people. One lady comes and turns down the row... she stops suddenly and looks at my friend. She kinda continues on slowly. Finally my friend sees her and stands up and books it towards us. Here is a picture of her dead on the row. I mean how akward would it be to see this at Walmart.

Then later that night in walmart, we come to the Iron row. We thought it would be funny to play like the irons were shockers. We filmed a little video of the ordeal. Sorry it is so short.


Sir William said...

You guys are retarded

Nedge said...

Imagine how awkward it would be to see a younger person (like yourself) on the ground in the beer aisle, with beers around your body.

The iron scene made me laugh so hard! I LOVE IT! Maybe you should make an epic movie at wal-mart...make sure that scene gets in there somewhere.

Emily Stapley said...

haha. i agree with natalie.
lifegaurds in walmart at night!
and amy wayme could star in it!!!