SO i was inspired to share my BYU fan story. I can handle BYU people, this kid just hit one of my breaking points. I was on facebook. My status says, "GO UTES" Now, is that a bad thing? to epxress yourself and say GO UTES? well some kid whom i hardly remember wrote on my profile and said, "Utes Suck" I was like, GASP rude? (And what did i ever do to this kid?) SO i wrote back saying, "Did you see the game? Tell me there record, isn't it 10-0? " He said, "LONGEST LAMEST GAME EVER" SO i found him on like the "facebook Chat" thing and said to his face, "your not very nice" he said, "I am a cougar" No for me this put a lot of bad pictures/thoughts on BYU. SO apparently Cougars are mean. I responded back, "still your not ever nice" he said, "Utes bash on me all the time" I said, "Name the last time i bashed on you (i don't really know this kid very well)... which was NEVER" I think he may have said sorry. I also said, "how do i know you?" he said, "school" I said "kearns" he said , "CHHS" I said I graduated from kearns, this shut him up and he finally stopped arguing with me. I Did nothing to deserve a "UTES SUCK" commett. GRRRRR
I have a lot of respect for BYU people. I really do, just sometimes the fans are a little mean to me FOR NO HACKIN REASON AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!