Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I am grateful for True Friends!!!!!!!

We all have friends in our lives!!! But have you ever thought what is a TRUE friend? Well to start, i invite you to at least listen to the lyrics of this song......

I don't know about you, but i think the lyrics of this song are simple but yet meaningful!!! A true friend to me is someone who is indeed there till the end!!!!! Someone who will except you for who you are!!! Someone who doesn't care how weird i am but will still be seen with me in public!! hahahahaha A true friend to me is someone who you can go and talk through late-teen-crisis' and work through them to they are settled.
Who are my true friends? Oh my lanta!! I could make a good list of awesome people!!!!!! (you know who you are)
I just know that this past month, i have indeed been grateful for true friends!!!! They are definately the people in the world you can go and talk to when times are rought!!!! (those of you who know me really well know that i always commet myself as a "big girl") I feel so cool for hanging out with cool people that will accept me for my weight!
And i end with another video!!! I dedicate this to ALL of my Family, Friends, BLOG READERS!!!


japetersen said...

Very nice posting --
How did the survey turn out?
Auntie Judy
P.S. We need to go see "Wicked"

rochelle said...

Well said, Natalie. I'm glad that you are blessed to have true friends. Don't you think you deserve it? I sure do! And I LOVE For Good. It's such a great song!