Sunday, May 6, 2007

Your Shirt Is Very Bright

Wow... what a day. I attended two sacrament meetings. I guess you could say that I am on a spiritual high right now. The first meeting was at Day Break. My cousins were blessing there new baby boy, GARY, Monkey, a sac of potatoes...oh wait those are some of his nicknames. His name is Elliot. He is so cute. The testimony meeting was really interesting. First you got the nice spiritual ones. We counted like four people that said..."My Name is sis/bro. ________, and we have been in the ward _______ months" Then we got some people confessing in front of the congragation...saying like the haven't been doing very well in their callings or haven't been coming to church. There was one girl who said that she is going away for 7 months and there won't be a church around. There was one girl who said that she prayed for her brother who was doing stuff on the weekends. Lauren and I were wanted to hear the rest of that story. There was one lady who said out of nowhere in the middle of her testimony that "my husband got me an i-pod and on the back it says To the music of my life. " While observing the atmosphere, there were People who would seriously run in and out of the chapel with the screaming kids. It really nice though. The next best thing to Gary (as they call him) was the good food. I love luncheons after sacrament meeting. The bad thing is that I just ate so much. I am going to get fat. EEEKKKKK. Well, I am going to go and enjoy the rest of my sunday.


Bing Math said...

I forgot about the Ipod comment. That was funny, too!


Annie said...

Such a great rundown of such a silly testimony meeting. Thanks for the comments. I hope that at school tomorrow, someone you don't like talks to you and makes you smile.

Nedge said...

I love testimony meetings.
Especially when it's not your ward, so you don't know any background information.