Thursday, May 3, 2007


22 Days till Pirates 3 comes out and I am so excited~


Lauren said...

I'm excited for my date! :)

Nedge said...

I can't wait! ....Aaaah! I really can't wait!

I discovered a stupid movie...called "American Dreamz"...makes fun of American Idol, wasn't that great, BUT...there was an AWESOME quote from it:

"Dear, I think you need to take some of these."
"What? Your hormone pills?"
"No, they're not hormone pills. They're...happy pills. They make you happy when you're sad."

Kristen said...

So I can FINALLY get a conclusion to the supid storyline in movie number 2. Stupid movie number 2 with it's "to be continued" lameness. So mad I actually paid money for a CONTINUATION of a movie. AND sat there for two hours. It's about time they get number 3 out so we can have an ending. Captain Jack totally owes me a free movie ticket.

Anonymous said...

Kristen is just a little bitter can you tell? I LOVED the ending to #2! Well I loved all of #2, Johnny Depp is just a hottie in his own weird way. What about Shrek 3, that should be a good filled summer at the movies but you need to go to The District at 11400 and Bangerter. That one is the bomb baby!

Staples said...

I know... great movies coming out this summer. I am so excited!

Anonymous said...

only 12 days now! so excited, i kind of hated the ending of the last one. barbossa is back! whoot whoot! nicole