Sunday, April 15, 2007


So I have been sitting here "blogging" as some would call it and have been turning me head around to keep an eye on this freaky spider. It has just been walking back and forth along the top of the wall against the ceiling. I HATE SPIDERS. I think that it has settled down for the night cause it hasen't stopped moving... hopefully. I think I am becoming braver against spiders. I have lived in the basement for almost a year. Basement kids are just tough bums who can handle all kinds of things. We have had mice down there and such an I have been able to sleep like a log. My grandma gave the families these little thing you plug into the walls that like shoot out these rays that kill spiders. They actually work too! I can't believe it... some weird device that actually works.


Kristen said...

I want a spider killing ray gun! Where do you get them?

Staples said...

i have no idea... grandma gave them out for christmas

Anonymous said...

Hey--I'm a basement kid too! I should blog about this. I'll put it on my list of things to do. I will pray for you and your spider.

Anonymous said...

whoa. I really want a spider killing ray gun also. all i have are these sticky things where the spiders get caught and die so it is like a tiny spider graveyard in my room. creepy. Nicole

Nedge said...

If you want a good read about the children of the basement, my friend has written an awesome post about it a while back. don't click here!